Friday, August 12, 2011

What I got today...

Heres what i got in the mail today :)  

I got it from ebay.. unfortunately the listing was removed by ebay it said something about violating some rule. Anyway I paid $33 CAD for this I tested it and it works fine :) Although there were a few scratches mostly on the right side of the plate which sometimes bothers me. However these scratches doesn't affect the image when stamped so it's okay I guess. If I am not mistaken most of these (or all???) are imitation of the real Konad plates. If it is then this is a steal!

Here is a close up video of it. Sorry I didn't put music or anything.

Also,  I entered a giveaway TraceFace Philes Giveaway. Please click the link and enter giveaway ends August 19th :)

 What do you think? Would you get one or stay with the real Konad plates?


  1. Wow that is a HUGE fauxnad!!! I bet you could use it as a sled in the snow lol Have fun with it!

  2. Wow with this you can do so many nail art designs:)


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